Trumpet Duets

Celebration Trumpet Duets

The bottom section of this page lists Eddie Lewis’ trumpet duets individually (compositions and some arrangements) in alphabetical order. The first section of the page lists his duet books in alphabetical order.

Eddie has been composing trumpet duets since he was a student at Andress High School, in El Paso, Texas and has written hundreds of them since. He originally composed trumpet duets so he could play them with his friends, his trumpet buddies from high school. Most of those first trumpet duets have been lost, but the passion to write more of them has never gone away.

So far, Eddie has published over 350 trumpet duets in his books, and a number of others that are published as individual pieces of sheet music. Many of the trumpet duets in his books are also available individually.

Popular Trumpet Duets

The trumpet duet books Eddie has published so far are already very popular. We believe that these trumpet duet books sell better than Eddie’s other books because they are independent of Eddie’s method. You don’t have to be using Eddie’s method books to enjoy his duets.

Also contributing to the popularity of these trumpet duet books is the popularity of trumpet duets in general. Playing trumpet duets has always been a favorite past time of trumpet players around the world. The duets are used to practice sight reading but are also played just to have fun.

Stylistic Diversity

One thing that sets Eddie’s trumpet duets apart is their stylistic diversity. Eddie’s compositions cover a wide range of styles and this is just as true for the trumpet duets as it is for the rest of his work as a composer/arranger.

Trumpet Duet Books

If you are more interested in individual trumpet duet sheet music titles, then please scroll down the page to the section titled, “Individual Trumpet Duets”.

Celebrations: 101 Original Trumpet Duets

101 Original Trumpet Duets

For all skill levels

Celebrations was my first trumpet duet book. It was actually six different book ideas that I decided to combine into one trumpet duet book.

I was still in the dark ages when I published Celebrations because I thought publishing one large book made more sense than publishing several smaller ones. But with print on demand technology, there really is no financial need to publish larger books anymore. That said, people have been enjoying these trumpet duets around the world. We even received a wonderful review in a ITG journal and this very kind review from Chris Gekker:

“Your duets have been a great addition to my teaching. I like to do some sight-reading at each students’ lesson, and in your book there is so much variety and range of styles. Some duets are very simple, which can be deceptively challenging, and others have intervallic and rhythmic demands that are quite ambitious. I also appreciate the “swing” duets, of which there are a number: gone are the days when any trumpeter can ignore being able to play well in this manner. Congratulations on such a fine book, and I’m grateful for your contribution to our quest of becoming better musicians and trumpeters.”

Chris GekkerProf. Trumpet an University of MarylandUniversity of Maryland Website

Copyright Year: 2007

40 Trumpet Player Duets (Intermediate Trumpet Duets)
40 Trumpet Player Duets

Forty Trumpet Player Duets

Reward yourself with many hours of musical merrymaking while also honing your hard-earned trumpet skills.

Are you struggling to see results after so many hours of dedicated practice? You religiously practice your fundamentals. You ambitiously attack challenging etudes and solo works. But for some reason, you are not seeing the kinds of results you’ve been expecting.

Sometimes this can be because you don’t spend enough time making music with other people. It’s no coincidence that the students who most stubbornly refuse to play music with other people are also the ones who see the slowest progress. As a teacher with over 40 years of experience, Eddie Lewis recognized this phenomenon early in his teaching career. That’s why he always strongly recommends ensemble participation to each of his students.

Making music with other musicians is the “application stage” of learning a new musical skill. Ensemble participation forces us to execute new skills in real time, sourcing them from the subconscious part of our minds.

Unfortunately, many of us don’t have enough access to formal ensembles. That’s where trumpet duets come in. You receive the same benefits from playing trumpet duets as you do playing in a concert band or church orchestra.

40 Trumpet Player Duets takes those benefits up a notch. This book is designed to use the skills you’ve worked so hard to acquire.

Take a deep dive into 40 Trumpet Player Duets and make your trumpet beast roar.

Trumpet Christmas Duets
Trumpet Christmas Duets trumpet ebook

Trumpet Christmas Duets

Heartfelt Christmas carols for any Christmas program, Trumpet Christmas Duets is an interesting collection of favorite classics. Some are festive. Some are pleasant. Most are joyous. There are 21 trumpet duets for intermediate to advanced trumpet players. Trumpet Christmas Duets is perfect for family gatherings, Christmas Eve services, school Christmas concerts and your annual Christmas party.

Christmas carols in this trumpet duet book include:

  • Angels We Have Heard on High
  • Away in a Manger
  • Deck the Halls
  • The First Noel
  • God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
  • Good King Wenceslas
  • Hark the Herald Angels Sing
  • The Holly and the Ivy
  • In the Bleak Midwinter
  • It Came Upon a Midnight Clear
  • Joy to the World
  • Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence
  • O Come, All Ye Faithful
  • O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
  • O Holy Night!
  • O Little Town of Bethlehem
  • Quempas Carol
  • Silent Night
  • Still, Still, Still
  • We Three Kings of Orient Are
  • What Child Is This

There are play-along recordings published at Tiger Music and available for download and streaming where-ever you typically source your music.

Trumpet Hymn Duets
Trumpet Hymn Duets by Eddie Lewis

Click HERE to go to a webpage entirely dedicated to the Trumpet Hymn Duets book.

Trumpet Hymn Duets

Trumpet Hymn Duets is a book of 21 traditional Christian hymns arranged for trumpet duet. The goal in writing these hymn duet arrangements was to make them 100% appropriate for traditional church services. There are no modern treatments, no odd meters, and no jazz chords. These are trumpet duets that honor the harmonies and mood of the original hymns.

20 Trumpet Pioneer Duets (Beginner Level I)
Twenty Trumpet Pioneer Duets

Twenty Trumpet Pioneer Duets

When you see the word “Pioneer” in the title of one of our books or compositions, this refers to our easiest skill level. Twenty Trumpet Pioneer Duets is a duet book for beginner trumpet students.

[IMPORTANT NOTE! Thirteen of the duets in this book are also in the Celebrations duet book.]

The Trumpet Pioneer level in our system is limited to a range up to C in the staff. The keys are limited to one flat and/or one sharp. The rhythms only include whole-notes, half-notes and quarter-notes. The harmonies in these duets tend to be very simple.

The staves in Twenty Trumpet Pioneer Duets are set to 115%, making the music a little easier to read for beginners.

On page 24 we talk about the benefits of duets and offer tips for practicing them. Then at the end of the book there is a section about how to write your own duets, with a few pages of blank manuscript for you or your student to write some original music. Eddie Lewis included that section in the book because, when he first started composing, most of his compositions were trumpet duets.

Twenty Trumpet Pioneer Duets is the first in a series. The idea for the series is to break the Celebrations book up into seven skill levels (consistent with Eddie’s method) and add new duets to complete the set.

20 Trumpet Tyro Duets (Beginner Level II)
Twenty Trumpet Tyro Duets trumpet duet book

Twenty Trumpet Tyro Duets

When you see the word “Tyro” in the title of one of our books or compositions, this refers to our second easiest skill level. Twenty Trumpet Tyro Duets is a duet book for beginners who have been playing for about six months to a year.

The Trumpet Tyro level in our system is limited to a range up to fourth space E. The keys are limited to three flats and/or three sharp. The rhythms now include sixteenth-notes. We also introduce six-eight time signatures at this level.

Twenty Trumpet Tyro Duets is second in a series. The idea for the series is to break the Celebrations book up into seven skill levels (consistent with Eddie’s method) and add new duets to complete the set. In the case of the Twenty Trumpet Tyro Duets, most of the duets that are also found in the Celebrations book are written in multiple keys and time signatures in this book. So you are essentially getting a lot more than twenty duets. There are a total of thirty-four duets if you count all the versions.

Unadorned Hymn Duets
Unadorned Hymn Duets Trumpet Duet Book

Unadorned Hymn Duets

133 Traditional Hymns
Arranged for trumpet duet in their simplest form.

Worship our Heavenly Father with these Unadorned Hymn Duets, 133 traditional church hymns in their simplest form arranged for two trumpets. The key word here is “unadorned”. In contrast to Eddie Lewis’ popular Trumpet Hymn Duets book, the duets in this book have no introductions, no modulations, no embellishments, and no clever compositional treatments. The Unadorned Hymn Duets utilize only the melody and a working harmony part, nothing else!

By “working harmony part” we mean that the harmony parts work with most hymnal versions of the hymns. Unless the keys are different, you can use these duets with your congregational singing. This is one of the reasons people love these arrangements so much. The harmonies remain true to the original hymns.

We have a webpage dedicated entirely to the Unadorned Hymn Duets book that you can get to by clicking HERE.

Another nice feature of these Unadorned Hymn Duets is that they are ready to be used by trumpet players of most skill levels. A quick scan of all the hymns in the book reveals only eight written G’s above the staff. All the rest of the hymns remain inside the staff in the first part. The second part can be tricky sometimes, but the combined sound is beautiful.

Individual Trumpet Duets

Amazing Grace – Beginner Trumpet Duet
Amazing Grace Beginner Trumpet Trio Sheet Music PDF

Amazing Grace

For Beginner Trumpet Duet

I wrote this arrangement of Amazing Grace when I completed the Unadorned Hymn Duets book and finally realized that Amazing Grace wasn’t included in that book. That’s when I decided to publish it this way, as a stand alone arrangement. The only reason we are calling it a beginner piece is because of the skill level. It is actually appropriate for all skill levels.

Copyright Year: 2024
Performance Rights Organization: NA

Amazing Grace – Trumpet Hymn Duet
Amazing Grace Trumpet Duet

Amazing Grace

For Trumpet Duet

Amazing Grace is one of our best selling trumpet duets. Not only is it a very popular hymn, finding popularity even outside of the church, but this arrangement actually speaks to people.

The arrangement looks simple. Indeed, it is pretty easy for anyone with a range up to high C. But the simplicity does not detract from its effectiveness. We feel that this is the reason why it sells so well.

Copyright Year: 2018
Performance Rights Organization: NA

America the Beautiful – Trumpet Hymn Duet
America the Beautiful Trumpet Duet

America the Beautiful

For Trumpet Duet

I wrote this trumpet duet arrangement of America the Beautiful as a way to express my patriotism for Independence Day, 2020, when here in Texas we’ve been told to stay home for the holiday, due to a covid 19 spike. I was compelled to express my patriotism because our American history and culture is being dismantled.

Some people have been expressing hatred for our country, even to the extent that their freedom to do so is NOT protected by the constitution. In the midst of all of this, I feel it’s important for those of us who do NOT hate this country to express our patriotism in an appropriate manner.

It’s not much, but that’s what this duet arrangement is to me. It is one instance of me saying, “No, I don’t hate America. This is my home. I love my country and the people who live here.”

Copyright Year: 2020
Performance Rights Organization: NA

Angels from the Realms of Glory – Trumpet Hymn Duet
Angels from the Realms of Glory Trumpet Hymn Duet

Angels from the Realms of Glory

Trumpet Hymn Duet

Angels from the Realms of Glory is number 20 in our Trumpet Hymn Duet series. We are including this with the hymns because the “tune” of this famous Christmas carol is used in dozens of traditional Christian hymns. That tune is called Regents Square.

Because this sheet music doesn’t have lyrics, you can use it with any one of those dozens of traditional hymns.

We have a blog post where you can read about this trumpet duet arrangement by clicking the following link:
Angels from the Realms of Glory Trumpet Hymn Duet Blog

We also have a You Play First Chair FREE trumpet play-along video for this piece. We like to say that, with the play-along videos, you can take the piece for a test drive. But really, we post the YPFC videos for trumpet students who are not able to join rehearsing ensembles. The test drive thing is just a convenient perk for people who are interested in the sheet music:
Angels from the Realms of Glory FREE Trumpet Play-Along Video

Copyright Year: 2020
Performance Rights Organization: NA

Angels We Have Heard on High – Trumpet Christmas Carol Duet
Angels We Have Heard on High Trumpet Duet Sheet Music PDF

Angels We Have Heard on High

Trumpet Christmas Carol Duet

Add something special to your Christmas program with this Angels We Have Heard on High trumpet duet arrangement.

This is duet number six in our Christmas trumpet duets series. It’s a series that serves as something of a sequel to the Trumpet Hymn Duets series that has produced one hymn duet book so far. The objective behind both of these series is to honor the mood and harmonies of the original Christmas carols and hymns. That’s what we’ve done with this arrangement of Angels We Have Heard on High.

Most of these arrangements tend to be almost like theme and variations pieces. Each new verse in the arrangement brings with it a different treatment. In this arrangement of Angels We Have Heard on High we have broken from that approach. Instead, each verse is more ornamented that the previous verse. The structure of the arrangement is the same throughout. The only changes, besides a modulation, are ornamental.

Free Trumpet Play-Along Video

We have a free trumpet play-along backing track video for this trumpet duet arrangement of Angels We Have Heard on High in our You Play First Chair video series. You can access that play-along video by clicking on the following button:

Copyright Year: 2021
Performance Rights Organization: NA

Away in a Manger – Trumpet Christmas Carol Duet
Away in a Manger Trumpet Duet Sheet Music PDF

Away in a Manger

Trumpet Christmas Carol Duet

Bring joy to your Christmas program with this Away in a Manger trumpet duet. This arrangement utilizes both tunes common to this Christmas carol title.

Free Trumpet Play-Along Video

We have a free trumpet play-along backing track video for this trumpet duet arrangement of Away in a Manger in our You Play First Chair video series. You can access that play-along video by clicking on the following button:

Copyright Year: 2022
Performance Rights Organization: NA

Beginner’s Canon – Beginner Trumpet Duet
Beginner's Canon Trumpet Duet Sheet Music pDF

Beginner’s Canon

Beginner Trumpet Duet

Introduce your students to canonic imitation with this very simple duet, Beginner’s Canon.

Copyright Year: 2024
Performance Rights Organization: BMI

Be Thou My Vision – Trumpet Hymn Duet
Be Thou My Vision Trumpet Duet PDF

Be Thou My Vision

For Trumpet Duet

Be Thou My Vision is number 13 in our trumpet duets series based on Christian hymns. It is a more pensive arrangement than some of the others. All of the duets in this series have lyrical qualities, but this one is probably the most lyrical of any that we’ve published in this series so far.

This duet is for intermediate trumpet players. The highest note in the first part is B flat above the staff. The highest note in the second part is G above the staff.

Copyright Year: 2020
Performance Rights Organization: NA

Blessed Assurance – Trumpet Hymn Duet
Blessed Assurance Trumpet Hymn Duet

Blessed Assurance

Frances J. Crosby, Phoebe P. Knapp

For Trumpet Duet

This trumpet duet arrangement of Blessed Assurance is part of our Trumpet Hymn Duets series. It is number 19 in the series and we will be making a book of the duets once we publish 21 of them.

The arrangement is in the same style as the rest of the series except that I added a tiny bit of chromaticism.

I wrote a blog article about this arrangement of Blessed Assurance that you can read by clicking the following ling.

Copyright Year: 2020
Performance Rights Organization: NA

Christ the Lord is Risen Today – Trumpet Hymn Duet
Christ the Lord has Risen Today Trumpet Hymn Duet

Christ the Lord is Risen Today

For Trumpet Duet

This arrangement of Christ the Lord is Risen Today is part of a series of hymn trumpet duets meant to remain true to the original mood and harmonies of the original hymns. There are no reharmonizations, altered rhythms or stylistic modifications. The arrangements are meant to make the music interesting to perform, and delightful to listen to, while staying true to the original intent message of the hymn.Copyright Year: 2018

Performance Rights Organization: NA

Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing – Trumpet Hymn Duet
Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing - Trumpet Duet

Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing

For Trumpet Duet

Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing Robert Robinson, Joel A. Erickson, Asahel Nettleton Arr. Eddie Lewis A two-page trumpet duet from Eddie Lewis’ Trumpet Hymn Duet series. The duets in this series stay fairly close to the original harmonies and can therefore be used in collaboration with choir and/or congregation. Come Thou Fount is written out for three verses, the first being simple and progressing to lots of sixteenth embellishments in the last verse. The arrangement begins in E flat concert and modulates to F concert for the third verse. The top note in the first part is written C above the staff. The top note in the second part is written G above the staff.

Copyright Year: 2019
Performance Rights Organization: NA

Critter Suite – Trumpet Duet
Critter Suite Trumpet Duet Sheet Music PDF

Critter Suite

For Trumpet Duet

Four movements of musical feline frivolities, Critter Suite trumpet duet is a fun suite of songs for intermediate trumpet students.

Copyright Year: 2023
Performance Rights Organization: BMI

Crown Him with Many Crowns – Trumpet Hymn Duet
Crown Him with Many Crowns Trumpet Hymn Duet Sheet Music

Crown Him with Many Crowns

For Trumpet Duet

Worship Jesus Christ with Crown Him with Many Crowns trumpet hymn duet. This trumpet duet arrangement of the standard Christian hymn is packed with celebratory fanfares.

Important Note: This pdf includes two versions of the arrangement. The first one is in D concert (four sharps for trumpet), modulating to E concert (six sharps for trumpet). The second version is transposed up a half step to make it easier. It begins in E flat concert (one flat for trumpet) and F concert (one sharp for trumpet).

Two Play-Along Videos

We have two play-along videos in our You Play First Chair video series because there are two versions included in the pdf. The first version is in more traditional keys. The second version is in easier keys.

Copyright Year: 2022
Performance Rights Organization: NA

Cyclic Delights
Cyclic Delights trumpet duet sheet music pdf

Cyclic Delights

For Trumpet Duet

Teach your students about rondo form with Cyclic Delights trumpet duet from our 40 Trumpet Player Duets book. Click HERE to read more about that book.

Copyright Year: 2023
Performance Rights Organization: BMI

Deck the Halls – Trumpet Christmas Duet
Deck the Halls Christmas Trumpet Duet PDF

Deck the Halls

For Trumpet Duet

Enjoy the Christmas season with this conservative yet creative arrangement of Deck the Halls trumpet duet.

Play-Along Video

We have a play-along video for this trumpet duet arrangement of Deck the Halls that you can access here:

Copyright Year: 2022
Performance Rights Organization: NA

Faith Springs Fanfare – Trumpet Duet
Faith Springs Fanfare trumpet duet sheet music pdf

Faith Springs Fanfare

For Trumpet Duet

Proclaim your event with pomp and grandeur using our new Faith Springs Fanfare Trumpet Duet. This was composed for and performed at the grand opening of the sanctuary building for Faith Springs Baptist Church.

Faith Springs Fanfare is trumpet duet number one in the Forty Trumpet Player Duets book.

Copyright Year: 2023
Performance Rights Organization: BMI

The First Noel – Trumpet Christmas Carol Duet
The First Noel Trumpet Christmas Carol Duet

The First Noel

For Trumpet Duet

Celebrate the Christmas holidays with this trumpet duet arrangement of The First Noel. This is the first in a new series of Christmas duets that follow the same conventions as the popular Trumpet Hymn Duets series (which is now also a book). These are duets that are designed to be 100% appropriate for traditional church services.

You can take this arrangement for a test drive by utilizing the You Play First Chair trumpet play-along video by clicking the following button:

Copyright Year: 2021
Performance Rights Organization: NA

First Suite – Beginner Trumpet Duet
First Suite Trumpet Duet Sheet Music PDF

First Suite

For Beginner Trumpet Duet

Introduce your beginner trumpet students to modern sounds with this First Suite trumpet duet.

Copyright Year: 2024
Performance Rights Organization: BMI

Hermit’s Dance Supreme – Trumpet Duet
Hermit's Dance Supreme Trumpet Duet Sheet Music

Hermit’s Dance Supreme

For Intermediate Trumpet Duet

Hermit’s Dance Supreme is a chromatic cakewalk composed for two trumpets. This is an intermediate trumpet duet, No. 27 from our Forty Trumpet Player Duets book.

Copyright Year: 2023
Performance Rights Organization: BMI

It Came Upon a Midnight Clear – Trumpet Christmas Duet
It Came Upon a Midnight Clear Trumpet Christmas Duet Sheet Music PDF

It Came Upon a Midnight Clear

Trumpet Christmas Duet

It Came Upon a Midnight Clear is a very conservative trumpet duet arrangement of the popular hymn. It is from our 21 Trumpet Christmas Duets book.

Copyright Year: 2022
Performance Rights Organization: NA

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen – Trumpet Christmas Carol Duet
God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen Trumpet Duet Sheet Music PDF

God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen

For Trumpet Duet

Celebrate Christmas with God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen trumpet duet, number 14 in our Christmas Carol Trumpet Duet series.

Play-Along Video

We have a play along video for this arrangement in our You Play First Chair video series. You can access it by clicking the following button:

Copyright Year: 2022
Performance Rights Organization: NA

Good King Wenceslas – Trumpet Christmas Carol Duet
Good King Wenceslas Trumpet Duet Sheet Music PDF

Good King Wenceslas

For Trumpet Duet

Fanfare and flourish your way through this regal arrangement of Good King Wenceslas trumpet duet.

Play-Along Video

We have a play along video for this arrangement in our You Play First Chair video series. You can access it by clicking the following button:

Copyright Year: 2023
Performance Rights Organization: NA

Hark! The Herald Angels Sing – Christmas Trumpet Duet
Hark the Herald Angels Sing Trumpet Duet Sheet Music PDF

Hark! The Herald Angels Sing

For Trumpet Duet

Embellish your Christmas event with this original arrangement of Hark the Herald Angels Sing, one of the most popular Christmas Carols of all time. It is number five in our Trumpet Christmas Carol Duets series.

This trumpet duet arrangement of  Hark the Herald Angels Sing is just at two minutes long with two verses and some extra-thematic material. The first verse is relatively conservative, being vey similar to the arrangements in Eddie Lewis’ Unadorned Trumpet Hymns series. The second verse of the Christmas carol is more elaborated with fanfares and sixteenth-note embellishments.

Free Trumpet Play-Along Backing Track

We have a free trumpet play-along video for this arrangement of Hark! The Herald Angels Sing that you can access by clicking the following button:

Copyright Year: 2021
Performance Rights Organization: NA

Great Is Thy Faithfulness – Trumpet Hymn Duet
Great is Thy Faithfulness Trumpet Duet Hymn

Great Is Thy Faithfulness

For Trumpet Duet

This trumpet duet hymn arrangement of Great Is Thy Faithfulness is part of our trumpet duet hymn series. The concept of the series is to give the performers something interesting to practice and perform while never breaking from the original harmonies and mood of the original hymn. This makes the duets perfect performance music for traditional Christian church services. This specific arrangement uses many of the passing tones and suspensions from the original hymn. The arrangement grows in melodic intensity over the course of three pages, ending in a dramatic fanfare finale.

Copyright Year: 2019
Performance Rights Organization: NA

He Keeps Me Singing – Trumpet Hymn Duet
He Keeps Me Singing Trumpet Duet

He Keeps Me Singing

Luther B. Bridgers

For Trumpet Duet

He Keeps Me Singing is duet number 19 in the Trumpet Hymn Duet series. This is a little different from the rest of the trumpet hymns in this series in that I switch to a gospel swing style in the second verse. I feel like I must clarify that I did not write the second verse in a jazz swing style. I say this because I have a reputation as a jazz composer. And I do not have anything against writing and performing hymns in a jazzy style. But that is not what this Trumpet Hymn Duet series is about.

I know the swing sound on some of the hymns. I can’t tell you how I know it. Was it something I was raised with? I don’t know. But I know that sound. And I tried to honor that sound in this arrangement.

I wrote a blog post about this Trumpet Hymn Duet arrangement that you can read here:

He Keeps Me Singing

Copyright Year: 2020
Performance Rights Organization: NA

He Leadeth Me – Trumpet Hymn Duet
He Leadeth Me Trumpet Duet Sheet Music PDF

He Leadeth Me

Joseph H. Gilmore
William B. Bradbury

For Trumpet Duet

He Leadeth Me is a very popular traditional, Christian hymn. This trumpet duet arrangement of the hymn is part of Eddie Lewis’ trumpet hymn duet series. These hymns are meant to function 100% appropriately at traditional church services. The arrangement stays true to the original mood of the hymn while also sticking close to the original harmonies.

Copyright Year: 2019
Performance Rights Organization: NA

The Holly and the Ivy – Trumpet Christmas Duet
The Holly and the Ivy Trumpet Duet Sheet Music PDF

The Holly and the Ivy

For Trumpet Duet

Traditional English

Brighten your Christmas trumpet repertoire with this clever The Holly and the Ivy trumpet duet arrangement.

Copyright Year: 2023
Performance Rights Organization: NA

In the Bleak Midwinter – Christmas Trumpet Duet
In the Bleak Midwinter Trumpet Duet Sheet Music PDF

In the Bleak Midwinter

By Christina G. Rossetti, Gustav T. Holst

Bring some peace to your Christmas program with this sublime In the Bleak Midwinter trumpet duet arrangement.

This arrangement finds its original roots in Eddie Lewis’ Unadorned Trumpet Carol arrangement published a few years earlier. This is one of the most popular arrangements from that series (and digital album). One of the listeners on YouTube commented that it was “LIKE I ALWAYS PICTURED THIS SONG, SIMPLE AND BEAUTIFUL”

When it was time to write a more “adorned” version of this Christmas carol, Eddie wanted to keep most of that simplicity and beauty. For that reason, this arrangement is far more simplistic than Eddie’s other trumpet duet arrangements in this series and the Trumpet Hymn Duet’s series.

Free Trumpet Christmas Play-Along

We have a free trumpet play along video in our You Play First Chair series for this arrangement of In the Bleak Midwinter. This is an excellent opportunity to take the piece for a test drive before you buy the sheet music.  To access that video, click the following button:

Copyright Year: 2021
Performance Rights Organization: NA

It Is Well With My Soul – Trumpet Hymn Duet
It Is Well With My Soul Trumpet Hymn Duet

It Is Well With My Soul

For Trumpet Duet

It is Well With My Soul Horatio Gates Spafford
Philip Bliss

Here is an intermediate duet on the famous hymn, It Is Well With My Soul (When Peace, Like a River). The hymn arrangement is meant to work as an independent duet or as accompaniment with the choir. All of the harmonies should match the traditional harmonies of the original hymn.   Please note that the high stuff at the end is optional. I have included an inversion in cue notes that is more playable by less advanced trumpet players.

Copyright Year: 2018
Performance Rights Organization: NA

Jesus Paid it All – Trumpet Hymn Duet
Jesus Paid it All Trumpet Hymn Duet

Jesus Paid it All

Elvina M. Hall,
John T. Grape

For Trumpet Duet

This is our tenth duet in the Trumpet Hymn Duet series. This series has become so popular that we have decided to eventually assemble a book out of them.

We believe the reason these duet arrangements have been so popular is because they are very conservative. The harmonies match the original hymns 95% of the time. These are not “modern” arrangements. They are stylistically appropriate for a traditional church service.

And yet, they are also interesting to perform and listen to. It is our hope that you will include this and other Trumpet Hymn Duets in your Sunday morning services.

Copyright Year: 2020
Performance Rights Organization: NA

Jingle Bells – EASY Trumpet Duet
Jingle Bells EASY Trumpet Duet

Jingle Bells


One of a easiest trumpet duets!

I wrote this beginning duet for one of my youngest students. He was a first grade student when we did this in his lesson. This is something I like to do for my beginner students. I take the songs they would like to play and simplify them to their personal level and catered to their own limitations. The highest note in the first part is third line D and the shortest rhythmic value is eighth-notes.

Copyright Year: 2017
Performance Rights Organization: NA

Joy – Trumpet Duet Fanfare


Trumpet Duet Fanfare

by Eddie Lewis

Joy has become one of our best selling trumpet duets. We think it’s because the title describes the content of the duet. It says, “Herald your royal event with Joy!”

This is a trumpet duet fanfare in the traditional fanfare style.

Copyright Year: 2021
Performance Rights Organization: BMI

Joy, Joy, Everyone Is Flying – Easy Trumpet Duet
Joy, Joy, Everyone Is Flying Trumpet Duet

Joy, Joy, Everyone Is Flying

Easy Trumpet Duet

by Eddie Lewis

Joy, Joy, Everyone Is Flying is one of the duets in Eddie’s Forty Trumpet Player Duets book. You can read more about that book by clicking HERE.

Free Play-Along Video

We have a free trumpet play-along video of this trumpet duet where you can take it for a test drive before you buy it.

Copyright Year: 2021
Performance Rights Organization: BMI

Joy to the World – Trumpet Christmas Carol Duet
Joy to the World Trumpet Christmas Carol Duet

Joy to the World

Isaac Watts, G.F. Handel
Arr. Eddie Lewis

Trumpet Christmas Carol Duet

Spread Christmas joy with this arrangement of Joy to the World for trumpet duet by Eddie Lewis. This is duet number three in our Christmas carol trumpet duet series. Our plans are to continue publishing these duets until we have enough of them to make a book.

Free Play-Along Video

We have a free trumpet play-along video of this trumpet duet arrangement of Joy to the World where you can take it for a test drive before you buy it.

Copyright Year: 2021
Performance Rights Organization: NA

Just as I Am – Trumpet Hymn Duet
Just as I Am Trumpet Hymn Duet

Just as I Am

Charlotte Elliott, William B. Bradbury

Trumpet Hymn Duet

Just as I am in our fourteenth Trumpet Hymn Duet. I think this one is just a little easier than the rest of them have been. It is easier technically. The musical side of it may be a bit more challenging than the others, due to the long phrases and delicate melody.

Copyright Year: 2020
Performance Rights Organization: NA

Keeping Promises – Odd Meter Trumpet Duet
Keeping Promises Trumpet Duet

Keeping Promises

Odd Meter Trumpet Duet

Keeping Promises is an intermediate trumpet duet in five-eight time signature.

Copyright Year: 2018
Performance Rights Organization: BMI

La Marche du Tout-Petit – Trumpet Duet
La Marche du Tout Petit trumpet Duet

La Marche du Tout-Petit

For Trumpet Duet

La Marche du Tout-Petit is a lively, fun, fanfare composition for two trumpets. The composition alternates between two basic rhythmic themes over the top of developing harmonies. This composition is one of Eddie’s intermediate trumpet duets – but it can be a bit of a challenge if you are only sight reading.

Repeats are optional.

Copyright Year: 2018
Performance Rights Organization: BMI

La Phantacita March – Experimental Trumpet Duet
La Phantacita March trumpet Duet

La Phantacita March

Experimental Trumpet Duet

We say that La Phantacita March is an experimental composition utilizing a technique that Eddie Lewis invented in the late 90’s. Back then, he assumed would never work for trumpet duets. Covid 19 taught him otherwise. Not because he got sick or anything like that. No, Covid 19 meant going nine months without a gig, which gave Eddie a LOT of time to think about a LOT of stuff. La Phantacita March was just one of many results of having all that extra time to think.

La Phantacita March is easily one of Eddie’s most difficult trumpet duets.

Blog Post

We have a blog post where you can read more details about this duet and the compositional techniques behind it. You can read that blog post by clicking on the following button:


Free Play-Along Video

You can take La Phantacita March for a test drive by playing along with a recording of the second trumpet part. You can access this You Play First Chair video by clicking on the following button:

Copyright Year: 2020
Performance Rights Organization: BMI

Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence – Christmas Trumpet Duet
Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence Trumpet Duet Sheet Music PDF

Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence

Christmas Trumpet Duet

Elevate your Christmas program with this unique, almost haunting arrangement of Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence trumpet duet.

Copyright Year: 2022
Performance Rights Organization: BMI

The Little Drummer Boy – Beginner Trumpet Duet
The Little Drummer Boy Easy Trumpet Duet

The Little Drummer Boy

Easy Trumpet Duet with Piano

This is an arrangement I wrote for one of my students several years ago. It was originally scored for trumpet, French horn and piano. All of the parts are easy, including the piano part. So, if you have three young students in the family, then they should all be able to learn and perform this arrangement of The Little Drummer Boy.

Copyright Year: 2022
Performance Rights Organization: NA

Morning Dance – Trumpet Duet
Morning Dance trumpet duet sheet music pdf

Morning Dance

Intermediate Trumpet Duet

Celebrate happiness with this Morning Dance trumpet duet. The main feature of this duet is that it shifts between 6/8 & 3/4.

Copyright Year: 2023
Performance Rights Organization: BMI

My Only Love – Intermediate Trumpet Duet
My Only Love Trumpet Duet sheet music pdf

My Only Love

Intermediate Trumpet Duet

My Only Love is duet number two in our Forty Trumpet Player Duets book. It is a proverbial love song, with a story spelled out in the melodies of the composition.

My Only Love Free Play-Along Video

Copyright Year: 2023
Performance Rights Organization: BMI

Near the Cross – Trumpet Hymn Duet
Near the Cross Trumpet Duet Sheet Music PDF

Near the Cross

Trumpet Hymn Duet

Add something special to your church service with Near the Cross trumpet duet arrangement.

The lyrics from Near the Cross focus on abiding in the gifts of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice. It is a non-physical “place” of rest and healing, “free to all” who will live there.

This trumpet duet arrangement of Near the Cross attempts to portray a range of emotions that I associate with that nearness. The first verse is done softly and without vibrato. This is to portray a somber mood, acknowledging the price that was paid in Jesus Christ’s blood and death. The next verse expresses a sense of undeserved joy, the “Bright and Morning Star” that “Shed His beams around me”. The third verse expresses a more serious tone of hope, “help me walk from day to day”.

Along the way, between these changing moods are other, more subtle shifts in expression. Some of these I only “discovered” when I was in the process of recording the duet.

Near the Cross Trumpet Duet Play Along

We have a free play-along video in our You Play First Chair video series for this Near the Cross trumpet duet arrangement. The You Play First Chair series is meant to give trumpet students an opportunity to practice their sight reading and ensemble playing. However, it also works very well as a way for you to try the piece before you choose to purchase it. You can access that video by clicking on the following button:

Copyright Year: 2022
Performance Rights Organization: NA

O Come All Ye Faithful – Christmas Carol Trumpet Duet
O Come All Ye Faithful Trumpet Duet Sheet Music PDF

O Come All Ye Faithful

Christmas Carol Trumpet Duet

Delight your audiences with this O Come All Ye Faithful trumpet duet. It is number fifteen in the Christmas carol trumpet duet series.

Copyright Year: 2022
Performance Rights Organization: NA

O Come, O Come Emmanuel – Trumpet Christmas Duet
O Come, O Come Emmanuel Trumpet Christmas Duet Sheet Music PDF

O Come, O Come Emmanuel

Trumpet Christmas Duet

Add some Christmas peace to your trumpet program with this O Come O Come Emmanuel Trumpet Duet arrangement.

O Come, O Come Emmanuel Trumpet Duet Play Along

We have a free play-along video in our You Play First Chair video series for this O Come, O Come Emmanuel trumpet duet arrangement. The You Play First Chair series is meant to give trumpet students an opportunity to practice their sight reading and ensemble playing. However, it also works very well as a way for you to try the piece before you choose to purchase it. You can access that video by clicking on the following button:

Copyright Year: 2022
Performance Rights Organization: NA

O Sacred Head Now Wounded – Trumpet Hymn Duet
O Sacred Head Now Wounded Trumpet Duet Hymn

O Sacred Head Now Wounded

For Trumpet Duet


Bernard of Clairvaux
James W. Alexander
Hans L. Hassler
Johann S. Bach

Arr. Eddie Lewis

This trumpet duet hymn arrangement utilizes dissonances to create a somber mood. It is a Good Friday hymn, meaning that the theme of the hymn is Jesus Christ’s crucifixion. Good Friday church services capture the somber mood as a recognition of Jesus’ sacrifice. He gave his life, taking our sins so that we may live. This arrangement was written on Good Friday in 2019. The idea was to stay as close to the original mood and harmonies as possible. Where possible, this duet arrangement preserves as many of Bach’s passing tones and suspensions as is appropriate for just two parts.

Copyright Year: 2019
Performance Rights Organization: NA

Oh, Holy Night – Trumpet Christmas Carol Duet
Oh, Holy Night Trumpet Christmas Carol Duet PDF

Oh, Holy Night

For Trumpet Duet

Arr. Eddie Lewis

Peaceful, calming, yet playful, this arrangement of Oh, Holy Night will delight your congregation and audiences. It stays close to the melody most of the time and never departs from the original harmonies.

Free Trumpet Play-Along

We have a free trumpet play-along video in our You Play First Chair video series for this arrangement of Oh, Holy Night. To access that video click the following link:

Copyright Year: 2021
Performance Rights Organization: NA

On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand – Trumpet Hymn Duet
On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand

On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand

For Trumpet Duet

By Edward Mote and William B. Bradbury

Arr. Eddie Lewis

Another trumpet duet from our Trumpet Hymn Duet series, On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand is actually one of our less difficult duets from the series. The highest note in the first trumpet part is G above the staff. We do have it listed as a Trumpet Apprentice skill level arrangement because of the sixteenth notes and the tempo. But if you notice where we put it on the You Play First Chair series, it is the easiest of the Trumpet Apprentice pieces (as of this writing).

Copyright Year: 2020
Performance Rights Organization: NA

Paid to Play – Trumpet Duet
Paid to Play Trumpet Duet Sheet Music PDF

Paid to Play

For Trumpet Duet

by Eddie Lewis

Challenge yourself and your trumpet friend with this fun Paid to Play trumpet duet.

Paid to Play trumpet duet is one of the most enjoyable duets in our Forty Trumpet Player duets book. It has almost a Latin feel to it, but it never stops being in a classical style.

Having made a major part of my income playing Salsa gigs in the 90’s, there is a lot of that clave rhythm in most of my writing. There are hints of that rhythm in Paid to Play trumpet duet.

Paid to Play is four pages long and I read it from my iPad with a foot pedal page turner to record the video. Four pages is just a little out of character for the Trumpet Player skill level, but we didn’t want to exclude this very happy duet for only the length.

Copyright Year: 2024
Performance Rights Organization: BMI

Praise to the Lord, the Almightyl – Trumpet Duet
Praise the Lord, the Almighty Trumpet Duet Hymn

Praise to the Lord, the Almighty

Joachim Neander, Catherine Winkworth
arr. Eddie Lewis

For Trumpet Duet

This arrangement of Praise to the Lord, the Almighty is part of the trumpet duet hymn series Eddie Lewis has been working on over the past couple years. The idea behind the arrangements is to make them interesting without departing from the main harmonies and/or the message of the original hymns.  This specific duet in the series presents three verses. The first verse is simply stated, beginning in unison and breaking into harmony half way through. The second verse introduces light counterpoint. The arrangement ends with fanfares that stay very close to the original harmonies.  The arrangement is for intermediate to advanced trumpet players. The highest note in the first part is B above the staff.

Copyright Year: 2018
Performance Rights Organization: NA

Quempas Carol – Trumpet Christmas Duet
Quempas Carol Trumpet Duet Sheet Music PDF

Quempas Carol

Traditional German
arr. Eddie Lewis

For Trumpet Duet

This trumpet duet arrangement of Quempas Carol is some of the happiest Christmas music I’ve ever written. I encourage you to check it out in the videos or on our Trumpet Christmas Duets album.

Copyright Year: 2023
Performance Rights Organization: NA

Rain Song – Trumpet Duet
Rain Song Trumpet Duet sheet music PDF

Rain Song

by Eddie Lewis

For Trumpet Duet

Rain Song is trumpet duet number ten from Eddie Lewis’ Forty Trumpet Player Duets book. It is intended to be an educational duet, giving students an opportunity to practice and perform music in the key of D flat (five flats).

Copyright Year: 2024
Performance Rights Organization: BMI

Silent Night – Christmas Trumpet Duet
Silent Night Christmas Trumpet Duet Sheet Music PDF

Silent Night

Franz Xaver Gruber, Joseph Mohr
arr. Eddie Lewis

For Trumpet Duet

Bring peace to your program with this simple but beautiful trumpet duet arrangement of Silent Night.

Eddie Lewis has written at least half a dozen arrangements of Silent Night. Some are jazzy. Some are creative. But this arrangement is part of his Trumpet Christmas Carol Duets series (and future book). The objective of the series is to honor the mood and harmonies of the original hymns. In that regard, the Trumpet Christmas Carol Duets project is a sequel to Eddie’s very popular Trumpet Hymn Duets series (and book). These are not clever arrangements. They are Christmas carols first, trumpet duets second.

We want this trumpet duet arrangement of Silent Night to be 100% appropriate for traditional Church services. It’s not jazzed up. There are not fancy harmonic substitutions. The arrangement showcases the traditional Christmas carol and that’s all.

Silent Night Free Trumpet Play-Along

We have a free trumpet Christmas play-along for this arrangement of Silent Night in our You Play First Chair video series. You can take the arrangement for a test drive by clicking HERE.

Copyright Year: 2021
Performance Rights Organization: NA

Silent Night Medley – Christmas Trumpet Duet
Silent Night Medley Trumpet Duet

Silent Night Medley

Franz Xaver Gruber, Joseph Mohr
arr. Eddie Lewis

For Trumpet Duet

Silent Night Medley is a trumpet duet arrangement of Silent Night and God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen. The Silent Night portion of the arrangement has subtle bluesy undertones.

The God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen section is not bluesy. This section has the second part doing a rhythmic accompaniment figure and then breaking into an almost baroque sounding counterpoint.

The two halves of the arrangement don’t necessarily fit with each other, which is part of its charm. At the time, it was my only Christmas duet and I didn’t know I would ever be writing another one.

Silent Night Meldey Free Trumpet Play-Along

We have a free trumpet Christmas play-along for this arrangement of Silent Night Medley in our You Play First Chair video series. You can take the arrangement for a test drive by clicking HERE.

Copyright Year: 2011
Performance Rights Organization: NA

Softly and Tenderly, Jesus Is Calling – Trumpet Duet
Softly and Tenderly Trumpet Hymn Duet

Softly and Tenderly, Jesus Is Calling

Will L. Thompson
arr. Eddie Lewis

For Trumpet Duet

Here is number sixteen in the Trumpet Hymn Duet series, Softly and Tenderly. I enjoyed writing this arrangement because it was quite different from the others (from my end as a composer it was different). It was more of a challenge to stay within the theme of “softly and tenderly” while still being true to what a trumpet duet is and should be.

I have written a blog article about this duet that you can read by clicking HERE.

Copyright Year: 2020
Performance Rights Organization: NA

The Star-Spangled Banner Trumpet Duet
The Star-Spangled Banner Trumpet Duet Sheet Music PDF

The Star-Spangled Banner

Frances Scott Key
Arr. Eddie Lewis

for Trumpet Duet in Two Keys (B flat and C)

Show your patriotism with this very traditional arrangement of The Star-Spangled Banner. This duet arrangement of our National Anthem stays close to the original arrangement. Eddie Lewis used the same approach he takes on his hymn arrangements to create a trumpet duet arrangement that sounds like nothing is missing. There are no awkward fourths or fifths that you might hear if an arrangement is simply using soprano and alto parts.

This is a conservative arrangement that does not stray from the original. Some trumpet players like to spice it up when they perform the Star-Spangled Banner. This is NOT THAT. The point of this arrangement is to honor the original. If you are looking for a trumpet duet that sticks to the traditional sound of the National Anthem, then look no further.

Star-Spangled Banner Play-Along Video

We have a play-along video in our You Play First Chair for this trumpet duet arrangement. You can get to that video by clicking the following button: (Please note that the play-along video doesn’t go live until 5/31)

Copyright Year: 2022
Performance Rights Organization: NA

A Theme for Gardeners Trumpet Duet
A Theme for Gardeners Trumpet Duet Sheet Music PDF

A Theme for Gardeners

by Eddie Lewis

A Theme for Gardeners is trumpet duet number sixteen from our Forty Trumpet Player Duets book. It is one of the most beautiful duets I’ve ever written.

Copyright Year: 2023
Performance Rights Organization: BMI

Thrive ‘n’ Jive Jazz Trumpet Duet
Thrive 'n' Jive Jazz Trumpet Duet Sheet Music PDF

Thrive ‘n’ Jive

Jazz Trumpet Duet

by Eddie Lewis

Electrify your trumpet duet library with Thrive ‘n’ Jive Jazz Trumpet Duet.

Thrive ‘n’ Jive Jazz Trumpet Duet is an intermediate composition for two trumpets in the swing style. It was originally composed as a birthday gift to one of our students.

The trumpet duet has two main themes and then goes to a call and response section based on the first theme. If you are familiar with my other duets, then you may have seen these call and response sections in other duets. Both trumpet players take turns playing “calls” between each of the “responses”.

Thrive ‘n’ Jive is probably one of my grooviest trumpet duets and we hope you enjoy working on it and playing it with your trumpet friends.

The key signature for Thrive ‘n’ Jive is two flats, but the key is a C blues. I guess you can say that it’s a dorian blues, even though there aren’t any standard 12 bar blues progressions in the piece.

I don’t often use a blues scale in my writing (or in my improve for that matter). I use what I would call “blues language” instead. When I’m choosing a key signature for a piece, I look at the language and decide from that. If I wrote from the blues scale, then it would be essentially writing from the key. The musical thought comes first, and then the music theory follows.

Copyright Year: 2024
Performance Rights Organization: BMI

Tug-O-War – Easy Trumpet Duet


Eddie Lewis

Easy Trumpet Duet

Help your students learn to play up beats with this easy but fun trumpet duet.

You can take this trumpet duet for a test drive with the You Play First Chair video by clicking HERE.

This is one of the trumpet duets that was inspired by Eddie Lewis’ student, Riley.

Copyright Year: 2018
Performance Rights Organization: BMI

Walking the Narrow Path – Trumpet Duet
Walking Narrow Path Trumpet Duet

Walking the Narrow Path

by Eddie Lewis

For Trumpet Duet

Not all duets are corny. Some duets can actually be quite artistic and creative. Walking the Narrow Path does not play out like a typical duet. It was conceived as a light performance piece. The rhythms are dreamy and the melodies are almost hypnotic. The piece is in odd meter, which is fun for the musicians and interesting for the audiences. The top note in the first part is a B flat above the staff, which is not high, but the part stays high long enough to be an endurance challenge. The skill level is intermediate/advanced. If you are familiar with Eddie Lewis’ seven levels of difficulty, this composition is at the Trumpet Pro level in his system. This is mostly because of the range and the odd meter time signatures.

Copyright Year: 2018
Performance Rights Organization: BMI

We Three Kings of Orient Are – Christmas Trumpet Duet
We Three Kings Trumpet Duet Sheet Music PDF

We Three Kings of Orient Are

John H. Hopkins, Arr. Eddie Lewis

Christmas Trumpet Duet

Ornament your Christmas program with this We Three Kings trumpet duet, an arrangement from our Christmas Carol Trumpet Duets series.

Copyright Year: 2022
Performance Rights Organization: NA

What a Friend We Have in Jesus – Trumpet Hymn Duet
What a Friend We Have in Jesus Trumpet Hymn Duet

What a Friend We Have in Jesus

Joseph M. Scriven, Charles C. Converse
by Eddie Lewis

Trumpet Hymn Duet

What a Friend We Have in Jesus is number seventeen in our Trumpet Hymn Duets series. So far, this is the longest of the Trumpet Hymn Duets, but it is also one of the best.

One thing that this duet arrangement has that most of the others don’t is extra non-thematic material. That is how I typically write arrangements, but I’ve been trying to avoid that approach with these Trumpet Duet Hymns. I want to stay as close to the original mood, themes and harmonies as possible, while still having some creative flexibility.

Copyright Year: 2020
Performance Rights Organization: NA

What Child Is This – Trumpet Christmas Carol Duet
What Child Is This Trumpet Duet Sheet Music PDF

What Child Is This [Greensleeves]

William C. Dix, Traditional English
Arr. Eddie Lewis

Trumpet Christmas Carol Duet

What Child Is This trumpet duet is the most beautiful and peaceful of the trumpet Christmas duets Eddie has written so far.

Copyright Year: 2022
Performance Rights Organization: NA

When the Saints Go Marching In – Jazz Trumpet Duet
When the Saints Go Marching In Trumpet Duet Sheet Music PDF

When the Saints Go Marching In

Jazzy Trumpet Duet

Jazz up your duet repertoire with When the Saints Go Marching In trumpet duet, one of Eddie’s best jazz trumpet duets.

We do have a free play-along video for this arrangement that you can access by clicking HERE.

Copyright Year: 2022
Performance Rights Organization: NA