I say that “these are hymns first, trumpet duets second”. In other words, the arrangements never obscure the beauty of the original music in these Trumpet Hymn Duets. When I set out to write this trumpet hymn sheet music, I had one objective. I wanted to write duets that honored the mood and harmonies of the original hymns. I didn’t want my own compositional cleverness to interfere.
This is not my first duet book. I have been writing trumpet duets since the late 1970’s. My first published duet book is called Celebrations and it has 101 clever, original trumpet duets for trumpet players of all levels. To say that I have composed hundreds of clever duets in my lifetime is not an exaggeration.
But I didn’t want these Trumpet Hymn Duets to be like that. I didn’t want to write just another trumpet duet book. I wanted these to be genuine pieces of music that people could use to worship God in traditional Christian church services.
One way I have worded this in the past is to say that “these Trumpet Hymn Duets are %100 appropriate for traditional Christian church services.”
Book Availability
The Trumpet Hymn Duets book is available as a physical book at and as a digital download at our family’s online sheet music store, Tiger Music. It is also available at a few other online locations as listed here:
The Trumpet Hymn Duets book is available as a PDF download at the following online stores:
- Tiger Music (20% off with code “happy20”)
- J.W. Pepper
- PayHip
- Sheet Music Plus
The Trumpet Hymn Duets book is also available as a physical book at:
- J. W. Pepper (warning – cover is gray scale)
- [coil bound]
- [perfect bound]

Trumpet Hymn Duets Popularity
I have written a lot of music over the past several decades. I’ve written hundreds of original compositions and at least a thousand arrangements. None of them come close to being as well liked as these Trumpet Hymn Duets have been.
And the most important thing to me is that we are hearing from trumpet players around the world that they are playing these duets in their church services.
Praise God!
Mission accomplished!
It is unusual for us to know that the music I write is ever being performed. Usually I have to search the internet to find videos or programs of my music being performed.
However, when we published this book, Covid 19 was just getting started. That’s when churches around the world began contacting me about these Trumpet Hymn Duets. They wanted permission to use the duets in their online, live-stream services. Never in my lifetime have I had that level of confirmation that my music was being performed.
So, YES, these Trumpet Hymn Duets are indeed being used to worship God in church. That’s what they were designed for, and that’s how they are being used. This is why I consider the duets to be far more important than all of my other compositions and arrangements.
2 Digital Albums
I recorded two digital albums to go with the Trumpet Hymns Duet book.
The first one is of me playing the duets. On this album I am playing both parts. It is intended to be used as a demonstration for trumpet players who are learning the duets. It can also be used for casual listening. Some churches have already used my recordings on this album in their virtual church services online.
The second digital album is a trumpet play-along album. Each of the 21 hymns in this duet book gets two tracks on the album. One track with me playing ONLY the first part and another track with me playing ONLY the second part. That way you can enjoy playing the Trumpet Hymn Duets at home.
Here are links to those two albums. You have a variety of choices of where you can get them. You can download them or stream them. It’s up to you.
Trumpet Hymn Duets Album
Play-Along Trumpet Hymn Duets Album
Trumpet Hymn Sheet Music
Please keep in mind that all of the sheet music in the Trumpet Hymn Duets book was previously published as individual trumpet duets. If you don’t want all of the hymns in the book, then you can purchase them individually as separate pieces of trumpet hymn sheet music.
The following is a list of all the hymns in the Trumpet Hymn Duets Book. I have added links that take you to our online sheet music store where you can purchase the hymns separately:
About Eddie Lewis
We have a biographical area on this website where you can read all about me as a trumpet player. However, none of that information is specific to hymns, so I wanted to share some of that information here.
I grew up singing hymns in church. I have always liked hymns, but over the years, a lot of the churches stopped singing them. This has been especially true of the churches that hire me. Since the late 1990’s, almost all of the churches that I’ve worked with have hired me for the horn section in their praise and worship bands, which do not typically play hymns. Even when the praise and worship bands sing hymns, they are sung as rock songs, not as hymns. For me, in my music career, the hymns were gone from my life almost overnight.
I didn’t know how important the hymns were to me until they were gone. Over the years I developed a very deep yearning for the hymns. A few years ago, my wife, Pearl, and I began singing hymns together at home. Then after that I began to record hymns for an album I call Unadorned Trumpet Hymns. That album is extremely popular, with thousands of streams weekly, world wide.
It was after my second Unadorned Trumpet Hymn album when I decided to begin writing these Trumpet Hymn Duets. They were an instant success. It turns out that there are a lot of people who still like the hymns as much as I do. Praise God! Even before we published the Trumpet Hymn Duets book, they were our best selling pieces.