Practice Tests

When you signed up for lessons with Eddie Lewis, he probably talked to you about his teaching style, or perhaps you read about it on this website. Mr. Lewis’ teaching style involves two main elements. First he helps you to recognize your personal goals, then he teaches you practice techniques that will help move you towards those goals. Mr. Lewis uses practice tests to insure that you are getting the best out of your lessons.

Photo by Pin Lim – Forest Photography

How It Works

When students fail to make progress, it usually means that something is wrong with the way they practice. It’s not good enough to just talk about practicing in the lesson because genuine practice has a certain flow to it. Just the act of stopping to talk about the process can prevent Mr. Lewis from recognizing certain problems.

To make absolutely certain you are practicing correctly, Mr. Lewis will have you do what he calls a “practice test”. Here’s how it works:

  • Getting Ready

    Mr. Lewis will open his laptop and label a file with the date and your name on it. This is so he can keep notes during the test. He will not stop you during the test because that will change the outcome. So he types his comments while you are taking the test.

  • Pretend You’re At Home

    Pretend you are home for the full time of the test. The objective of the test is to give Mr. Lewis an accurate example of how you practice when you are alone.

  • Practice

    Practice until Mr. Lewis tells you to stop. Sometimes the test will be over in a few minutes, other times he may ask you to run through an entire routine.

    For best results, strive to practice exactly the same way you practice at home. Do not change anything.

  • Taking Notes

    Instead of stopping to talk to you about how you are practicing, Mr. Lewis will type his comments and save them on his laptop. This is a very important part of the test. He doesn’t want to interrupt your practice in any way. Just ignore him while he types and do your best to give him an honest example of how you practice.

  • Discussion

    When Mr. Lewis has heard enough, he will ask you to stop practicing. That’s when the two of you will discuss his observations.

  • Emailing the Results

    Sometime after the lesson is over, Mr. Lewis will send you his notes in an email. It’s important that you read them and try to make the recommended changes to the way you practice.

Practice Tests For Non-Students

The practice tests are no longer exclusively for Mr. Lewis’ private students. Maybe you have one of his books and would like to know if you are practicing it correctly? We now offer Virtual Practice Tests for a small fee. Anyone who wants to learn how to be a better practicer can sign up and have results within 48 hours.

If you are interested in taking a Virtual Practice Test, please contact us via our contact page.

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