Trumpet Q and A

The QR code to the left takes you to a WhatsApp group that I use to keep people informed about the live stream Trumpet Q and A events. You can either click on it, or, if you are on your computer, scan it with your phone to take you to the WhatsApp group.

by Eddie Lewis

Please leave your advanced questions in the comments at the bottom of this page.

Live Stream Trumpet Q and A

On an almost weekly basis we host a free, live stream, Trumpet Q and A session. This is your opportunity to ask me your questions directly.

I get trumpet questions almost constantly, and I don’t mind answering your questions. I’ve been doing it for decades now. I’ve been answering trumpet questions for just about as long as there has been an internet.

The problem is that the more popular my materials become, the less time I have to answer your questions. This live stream Trumpet Q and A is meant to make it easier for you to get your questions answered without causing me to spend hours per day answering them privately.

I believe this is a win win situation for all of us. When you participate in the Trumpet Q and A, whether it is through live participation or by sharing your questions here beforehand, it helps me have more time to create more trumpet products AND other people get to learn from your question.

Trumpet Q and A History

Trumpet Q and AFor years I kept my teaching schedule open on Fridays. My vision was to use Fridays to reach more people. I didn’t know how I was going to do that yet, but I saw workshops as a possibility. I thought it would be nice to head across town to work with trumpet players who probably would never be able to come to my side of town for lessons.

Unfortunately, that never happened. I couldn’t find any venues that would allow me to do that. So the Friday’s remained open for years.

Then I began seeing other YouTubers’ Q and A sessions online. I even watched a few myself. That’s when I realized I could do this and it would fulfill what I was seeing in my head for Fridays. Praise God!

And in fact, this actually works out better because there is no travel time involved.

New Trumpet Q and A Format/Procedure

I used to post each individual Q and A as a blog post on my blog. That’s a lot more work than it seems and I finally decided that I don’t have time for that.

Instead of posting new blogs each time, I will simply add the new Trumpet Q and A videos to a Trumpet Q and A play list and order that play list so that the newest ones are on top.

That play list is embedded at the top of this page. So you can always come here, to this same page, to get to the new/latest video.

Asking Questions Ahead of Time

The Trumpet Q and A is at an odd time and not everyone can join us live. We encourage trumpet players who cannot join us live to leave their questions in the comment section below. We will try to answer your questions at the beginning of the next live stream Trumpet Q and A.

52 replies
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  1. Shawn Burton
    Shawn Burton says:

    Also, can you expound on why you can’t have Wyntons sound, vizzutti’s technique, and Hubbards harmonic control? Some of the things contradict each other? I just don’t know what that means. Thanks

  2. Shawn Burton
    Shawn Burton says:

    Last week you spoke about thinking these other trumpet players have something that we can never attain (worshiping them) do you feel that anyone can attain playing like any “famous” player? If we study, put in the time etc we can attain that level too?

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Question Links

When I have time, I will try to add direct links to some of the questions and answers asked during the session. I can’t promise to do this every week because it takes a lot of time.

To go to the video answer to the question, click on the icon or heading for the question.