Trumpet Q and A

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by Eddie Lewis

Please leave your advanced questions in the comments at the bottom of this page.

Live Stream Trumpet Q and A

On an almost weekly basis we host a free, live stream, Trumpet Q and A session. This is your opportunity to ask me your questions directly.

I get trumpet questions almost constantly, and I don’t mind answering your questions. I’ve been doing it for decades now. I’ve been answering trumpet questions for just about as long as there has been an internet.

The problem is that the more popular my materials become, the less time I have to answer your questions. This live stream Trumpet Q and A is meant to make it easier for you to get your questions answered without causing me to spend hours per day answering them privately.

I believe this is a win win situation for all of us. When you participate in the Trumpet Q and A, whether it is through live participation or by sharing your questions here beforehand, it helps me have more time to create more trumpet products AND other people get to learn from your question.

Trumpet Q and A History

Trumpet Q and AFor years I kept my teaching schedule open on Fridays. My vision was to use Fridays to reach more people. I didn’t know how I was going to do that yet, but I saw workshops as a possibility. I thought it would be nice to head across town to work with trumpet players who probably would never be able to come to my side of town for lessons.

Unfortunately, that never happened. I couldn’t find any venues that would allow me to do that. So the Friday’s remained open for years.

Then I began seeing other YouTubers’ Q and A sessions online. I even watched a few myself. That’s when I realized I could do this and it would fulfill what I was seeing in my head for Fridays. Praise God!

And in fact, this actually works out better because there is no travel time involved.

New Trumpet Q and A Format/Procedure

I used to post each individual Q and A as a blog post on my blog. That’s a lot more work than it seems and I finally decided that I don’t have time for that.

Instead of posting new blogs each time, I will simply add the new Trumpet Q and A videos to a Trumpet Q and A play list and order that play list so that the newest ones are on top.

That play list is embedded at the top of this page. So you can always come here, to this same page, to get to the new/latest video.

Asking Questions Ahead of Time

The Trumpet Q and A is at an odd time and not everyone can join us live. We encourage trumpet players who cannot join us live to leave their questions in the comment section below. We will try to answer your questions at the beginning of the next live stream Trumpet Q and A.

52 replies
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  1. Shawn Burton
    Shawn Burton says:

    Are there different kinds of swings? I think I definitely hear a seeing when you are playing your duo with the bass, but I don’t hear it with the newer “up and coming” trumpeters. I was listening to Freddie Hubbard and I don’t think I heard it but I may be mistaken. Thanks!

  2. Shawn Burton
    Shawn Burton says:

    Eddie, can you explain the comment on the lip slurs (trumpet chops) about playing extension only if you can play second part in one breath? Is that second part and extension in one breath?

  3. Shawn Burton
    Shawn Burton says:

    When someone says they want to play with a fat sound in any range what does that mean and can you demonstrate it or give examples of players who use a “fat” sound?

  4. Shawn Burton
    Shawn Burton says:

    When practicing the Tonalization Studies – is the goal to get the tempo to a certain point so that we can play each study pattern in one breath?

  5. Tim
    Tim says:

    Eddie, you know I’ll be watching and I thought this q and a might be a good place to remind you to tell me about your playing with headphones story.
    As always I look forward to the nuggets you are about to drop in this love stream. Thanks again for your contribution to our community.

  6. Seppo Oskari Pohjoisaho
    Seppo Oskari Pohjoisaho says:

    What is the optimal equipment for beginning trumpet student aged around seven? Do you prefer super small and shallow mouthpieces for young players’ small lips, or do you just recommend the 7C or something else?

  7. Seppo
    Seppo says:

    What is the optimal equipment for beginning trumpet student aged seven? Do you prefer super small and shallow mouthpieces for young students’ small lips, or do you just recommend take the 7C?

  8. Shawn Burton
    Shawn Burton says:

    When composing music is there and hard and fast rules as far as structure to the composition? Like a sentence has a structure to it.

  9. Shawn Burton
    Shawn Burton says:

    Can you explain what HardBop, Bebop and Postbop etc are? How can you distinguish which one is which when listening?

  10. Shawn Burton
    Shawn Burton says:

    How important is it to learn the liner notes of an album? I met an older gentleman in Chicago that is a jazz pianist, and as we talked he knew so much about players like Miles, Dizzy etc and who was in their band on different albums etc. is there a benefit? Like emersing yourself in jazz.

  11. Shawn
    Shawn says:

    Using the 50% rule, would you consider practicing a motif, and tendency tones etc part of the 50% in the music category?

  12. james
    james says:

    Hi Eddie,

    Do you have any experience or had any students that played on an instrument that needed a valve adjustment? If so, what are your thoughts on the impact that a misaligned valve(s) will have on (1) tone, and (2) intonation.

    When i take off the second and third valve tuning slides and look into valve case with a light i can see that the holes are off both in the vertical/down position and lateral alignment. I’m thinking that this must disrupt the airflow in a way that can affect sound quality.

    The plastic valve guides do have some play in them but i dont know what amount, if any, would be considered acceptable.

    I was hoping to get your opinion on this because it is a somewhat costly procedure and if i call a repair shop i am sure they are going to tell me i should have it done.

  13. Shawn Burton
    Shawn Burton says:

    Can you explain what makes a “great” player great? For example I think you said one time, when I asked, that Tom Harrell was one of the greats. Why is that. There are so many to discuss, Roy Hargrove, Freddie Hubbard, etc. Why are they great?

  14. John
    John says:

    Hi Eddie, After completing a Scale expansion and then working on the tonalization of that Key, ie 20 patterns over a number of days. I probably do the first 8 or 12 tonalization patterns in a day and then move on to complete the patterns over next day or two which I think is down to endurance issues I have. In reality I do not think I am memorizing the patterns but it is helping me to hear and play the different patterns/notes through repetition. In the scenario above, should I play each pattern 10 times to memorize them before going to the next pattern . Your thoughts please , John Ireland.

  15. John
    John says:

    HI Eddie, 3 questions for you; what equipment do you or your students use in recording their solos over backing tracks/tunes etc, ie microphone and recorders….. as way of collecting up their jazz vocabulary….

    Also I am finding it hard to motivate myself in transcribing recordings/solos , instead I was going to use written transcibed solos, Jazz Etudes to pick out motifs I like and memorise them , to add to my vocabulary….What is your opinion ?. When working on your routine , ie tonalization studies etc, I sing every pattern I play as way to improve my ear…

    Finally should I learn motifs (particular) in all 12 keys or am I wasting my time, Thank you Eddie for taking my questions. John, Comeback Player, Ireland.

  16. Lenzo ,Anthony
    Lenzo ,Anthony says:

    Hi Eddie for next Q&A I wanted to know more about Chicowitz Flow Studies how to do them correctly and any other information on him.I liked him whem He played harp with the Marx Brothers ha ha see you soon .Anthony Lenzo

  17. Karen
    Karen says:

    I’m thinking about getting a second trumpet for backup and variety. Any ideas of where to look and how to evaluate them – new and used? I’m currently playing a Blessing XL from the 70’s, which I believe is a good intermediate horn.

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Question Links

When I have time, I will try to add direct links to some of the questions and answers asked during the session. I can’t promise to do this every week because it takes a lot of time.

To go to the video answer to the question, click on the icon or heading for the question.