The Trumpet Strength Formula
This clinic about the Trumpet Strength Formula shares a concept for building your trumpet chops. A trumpet player’s strength determines his or her range, endurance and tone. To build strength is to improve all three.
In this clinic, Eddie Lewis teaches a formula for growing strength and how to apply that formula to your trumpet practice. He will teach the students how to challenge the muscles without risking physical damage. Then he will teach them how to rest without any strength loss.
All of this is done within a musical context. Eddie does not (and never will) teach high note exercises. Eddie’s students increase their range by growing their strength while practicing music. That means the strength they gain, and the range and endurance that goes with it, are entirely applicable to real musical performance.
Topics Covered
- The Formula
- No Risk Fatigue
- Three Levels of Rest
- (Optional) The High Note Trap
Please note that what we refer to as a clinic, some teachers refer to as a masterclass or workshop. If you are looking for someone to teach a masterclass or workshop, it’s the same thing. Please feel free to contact us to setup an appointment.
Some of Eddie’s Other Clinic Titles
All-State Jazz Etudes
The All-State Jazz clinic specifically addresses the current year’s Texas All-State Jazz audition music. Mr. Lewis is a leading authority on the subject because not only is he an accomplished jazz musician himself, he has also written the audition materials every year since 2009 and actually served as a judge at both the region and state levels.
All-State Prep
The All-State Prep clinic is only available from February to late June, early July. In the All-State Prep clinic, Mr. Lewis teaches the students what they can do to prepare for the All-State auditions before the music is announced. It is limited to Spring and Summer because the music is announced in late July.
The Art of Accumulative Practice
Eddie teaches what he calls “accumulative practice” instead of maintenance practice. It is possible to practice in a way that makes every minute count towards your personal progress. When you are organized and use proven practice techniques, ever minute you practice takes you closer to your musical goals.
The Physical Trumpet Pyramid
The name of this clinic is also the name of Eddie Lewis’ first book. The Physical Trumpet Pyramid is the underlying concept that his Daily Routines and Chops Express books are built upon. In this clinic, Mr. Lewis will teach your students how to apply this extremely beneficial structure to their practice sessions.
Availability Outside of Houston
While most of the workshops and clinics Eddie Lewis does are local to the Houston area, it is not uncommon for him to travel. If you are interested in hiring him for a workshop in a Texas city outside of Houston, please feel free to contact us. We will spend time with you to find way to make it work.